
The Future of Software

A Revolutionary Blockchain

We are introducing Proof-of-Competition most revolutionary blockchain consensus the world has ever seen. By splitting our blockchain up into teams, then forcing the nodes to compete over who has the best latency, up-time, and more,  we can recreate the fastest and most scalable network ever. 

On top of this, the network will be able to defend itself from hostile attackers, security vulnerabilities, DDOS attacks, and defend itself through legal representation anywhere in the world.

What is RadJav?

With RadJav’s four main aspects, developers can create nearly any kind of app quickly and securely.


Create desktop and HTML5 applications using the same code.

Create and use custom themes. This is available only on HTML5 as of right now. Desktop support is coming soon.

Currently supported on Windows and HTML5, with many more platforms coming soon.

Decentralized Datacenter

Blockchain V1: Securely mine and transfer XRJ coins. Uses a slightly modified and thoroughly tested Bitcoin source code.

Coming soon in Blockchain V2 and V3, the fastest and most scalable blockchain ever created.

V2 and V3 will be able to host smart contracts, apps, and server apps.


Coming soon you’ll be able to setup your own HTTP/HTTPS server.

WebSocket server and client support is coming soon.

Support coming soon for raw TCP/UDP socket communications over IPv4 and IPv6.

Can currently make HTTP GET requests.

3D Engine

Quickly create video games that run on multiple platforms.

Create multiplayer games with WebSocket support.

These will allow developers to make

  • Desktop Apps
  • Mobile Apps
  • Web Apps
  • Desktop Games
  • Mobile Games
  • Web Games
  • Server Apps
  • Smart Contracts
  • Dapps

All using the same code!