Today’s world moves at the speed of Agile. It is no longer sufficient to wait until release day to integrate your project. This only increases the probability of issues which will make your project miss its time, scope, and cost goals by large margins. Utilizing continuous integration and development (CI/CD) can save your project, and organizations must be apt to adapt to stay competitive in today’s market. If you want to deliver on-target products quicker than the competitor, Quilmont has the solution for you.

Continuous integration (CI) is a development practice where developers integrate their code to a central repository several times a day. Every check-in is verified against a build which runs automated tests and reports failures back to the team. If a check-in fails, the developer can fix it immediately as opposed to waiting until all units are integrated at a prescribed date in the future. Doing so produces quality code at a rapid rate, which has the potential to shorten development cycles.

Continuous development (CD) goes hand-in-hand with CI. CD allows for work to be deployed to the customer as soon as it passes automation and makes it through the development pipeline. This ensures your consumer always has the freshest software in their hands. If a feature doesn’t live up to customer expectations or needs modification, a fix can be delivered in mere hours instead of waiting until the next release date. The time and money saved by eliminating the wait makes our solution pay for itself.

At FogChain, we implement these methodologies to help you produce world class products at record speed. We have a tool agnostic and extremely customizable solution which allows us to adapt to your needs and help you achieve your goal of product excellence. Contact us today for a demo on CI/CD which includes JenkinsCI with Git, Appium, and Selenium. See how we churn out quality code that is 100% from the get go!